Some owners seek only seasonal services, but others want hands-on care of their sites all year round. This is the approach preferred by Tolley Viticulture. It allows the establishment of ‘best practice’ management approaches through all four seasons.
Tolley Viticulture works with clients with land soon to be dedicated to new vineyard acreage (design, trellising), or neglected vineyards, where cordon removal or vine grafting to new varieties and/or new trellis design might lift productivity and profitability.
‘Best practice’ services include machine harvesting and pruning, spraying (recycle spraying, fungicide and herbicide), and skilled technical advice. All aim to reduce labour costs and improve vineyard productivity. Tolley Viticulture only invests in vineyard machinery where vineyard efficiencies can be gained.
Machine harvesting
Tolley Viticulture uses a state-of-the-art ERO diesel harvester, featuring low running costs and intelligent design (fewer working parts: higher efficiencies), reducing soil compaction and reliance on ancillary equipment.
Machine pruning
ERO, Side-mounted – Fast and clean – slices labour costs to a minimum.
Machine fungicide application
FMR- Features a recycling capacity (reduced chemicals costs), less time to apply (lower labour costs) and defined spray targets (reduced fungicide drift).
Vineyard development or redevelopment
An old vineyard can be brought back into fruitful production with Tolley skills through either grafting, re-working old cordons or altering trellis designs. The results can be surprising – and profitable.
1.5 tonne Marshall Spreader (ameliorants lime/gypsum and fertiliser), and banding and broadcasting.
Eutypa or ‘Dead-arm’ management
Eutypa impacts vineyard returns and is common in the Adelaide Hills. The best possible management techniques are used to reduce its spread.
Technical services
Monitoring of pests, diseases, soil moisture, yield estimations, bud, petiole leaf sampling, advice on plant nutrition and soil structure improvement, backed by supply of organic-based materials.
Horse fencing
A special service provided to local clients during winter (May to September).
Managed clients receive monthly reports, monthly budget-versus-actuals figures and can discuss seasonal progress anytime. All contracts feature cover by all types of insurances, including professional indemnity.